Sunday, May 20, 2012

And more


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Now this is Hufflepuffing

Green beans

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Pictures we have pictures

Ok I am so proud how things are progressing- except the peppers in the white boxes.. They suck
But my tomatoes are rocking as are my taters ! These are my red potatoes the the red bin and the blue has yukon golds, so very cool

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More !!!!

Ok now here is the coolest thing ever
I saw something like this at a nursery but it was so expensive
So I made it with canvas shoe holders
One has herbs and the other 3 different kinds of Strawberries

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Long time no blog

Can't write much but had to show you this, a great way to grow herbs . This is at one of our favorite restaurants Sweet Butter in Sherman Oaks.

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And a new fountain

I love it.. Good job Bob

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