Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Lovin the post comic con harvest

Last night we made the best coleslaw ever from fresh cabbage from the garden .. And of course the now twice a week basket for the office

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Today's fair

And a lovely squash blossom

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Monday, July 1, 2013

First harvest

Perfect timing.. Right after a HP Con. Thank you Bob my Gryffindor husband for taking excellent care of everything
A Proud Hufflepuff

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sundays.. Ahhh Sundays

From the film ..Uncle Vernon "Best Day of the Week, Sunday,
Do you know why ?"
Harry "No post on Sundays ?"
Uncle Vernon: " Right you are Harry, Right you are"
And in that vein

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Had a great day..in a HP way

So it was decorating day for the garden . I hung these really cool lampshades by fishing wire off the big tree. They have very bright battery powered tap lights inside. And I strung up some really cool Edison like bulbs thru the orange tree. So here are some pics and of course more of the spaghetti squash and the grapes

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

June is busting out ll over !

Well I am very proud ..I have worked very hard and am thrilled with the results . The tomatoes are a tomatoing , the Spaghetti squash is a squashin and the peppers are peppy, the grapes are groovy and the dukes are climbing. There is nothing better then sitting in your backyard at sunset reveling in your accomplishments . And our course thank you to Bob for helping.
Should be a very "fruitful" summer

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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Second glass .. Now the pix if veges so proud if my cukes tiny zucchini .. beets..

yes corn !!!

tomatoes and sketti squash

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Home home home

We had a great vacation but oh how I missed my garden. Thank you Tessa Netting for taking such good care ..here is what we came home to
so lovely..especially the Artichokes and Squash

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