Sunday, March 31, 2013

Holy Saturday Gardening

Needless to say I had a relaxing Easter Sunday..cause I worked my ass off on Saturday !! Cukes and flowers-strawberries are coming up-flowers and corn-peppers and flowers-artichoke
In between the Artichokes are squash plants ..but I have very little faith in the soil.

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Long day ..Hufflepuff Garden 1/2 way there

More pictures soon but here are the latest
Ok Artichokes- Lettuce and Flowers

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saint Patrick's Day with the working of the green

So happy to have Bob home..what a great help. Planted two shoe holder's full of strawberries one full of Cinnamon Thyme. Bob cleaned out the two big planters - which were not as great as I thought they would be . BUT a good Gardner makes do . Taking a break but will go back out in awhile to plant the Artichoke plants

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Location:Studio City

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Garden Time

Ok it has started ...lettuce is planted as is three different kinds of mint..there is Orange Mint ! Sooo cool. Lots of dill. Bob comes home Saturday and on Sunday we start the garden in ernest.

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Location:Studio city