Friday, September 2, 2011

Bye bye for now

So I guess I suck big time as a blogger. I have so many girlfriends who blog daily.. I just can't .. Busy and crazy or busy and lazy. So today was the last of the Friday CESD harvest baskets. So proud of the garden this year. So happy to have provided so many yums for my fellow employees, and so thrilled over all the stuff Bob canned. Here are the last pics .. Should be back on after my fall planting and when the gazillion pumpkins that have sprouted grow!

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's blogging about Gazpacho !

So Bob and I had the star kids to the house for home made gazpacho and BLT's.. Nummm
Here are the ingredients from the Hufflepuff garden

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee new pics

Went to our friend Hollis' patch of the loveliest community garden in North Hollywood. Fell in love..I have asked to apply for a section. I know I am so lucky I have such a wonderful garden at home but this place was so special
I would love to amongst like minded folk while I am pruning and cursing the f'ing bugs !! Or just to be amazed at others work and hopefully excuse the pun..grow as a gardener.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Question to my fellow gardeners

What is making my tomatoes split ?

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Getting ready for a beach party

I am blogging from the pedicure chair ! Here are some of the latest pics

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Friday, July 8, 2011

The Juvenile Gardner

Teeeeeeee heeeeee
Looks like a bum
Teeeeeeeee heeeee

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dinner last night

ok so now it is time to show that all that gardening makes a difference
Taaa daaaaa
Bob's tomato and basil salad last night. Mine looked crappy cause .. Get this, I won't eat the skin of any vege or fruit. Queer I know .
( as in odd for those who do not know the origin of the word) so my tomatoes look naked in my salad

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Friday, July 1, 2011

TGIF and yee how great was Chicago.

Ok so I went to see my StarKids
And had a great time.. Our meeting with a terrific big wig was terrific. Dinner at Art Smith's restaurant Table fifty two. Fantastic .. If I knew how to cook fried green tomatoes like him I would truly be in heaven .
And the weather was perfect and I walked the lake.8 miles til I figured out I walked soo far. I came home last night and this am I saw my garden.. Holy Shit it went crazy in 3 days. Here is a picture of the " Bounty for the Office". Oh and a picture of our amazing view from the Skybox at Wrigley field and my kids with food !

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Flying high without a broom

You have to love Wi Fi on a plane ! I am winging my way to Chicago to see my StarKids.. Big meetings and a Cubs Game. Of course my husband knows me so well the last thing he said to me was..Don't worry I 'll water.
Ahhhhhhh he read my mind. Coming home late on Thursday and am hoping to see a boatload of ripe tomatoes to take to the office on Friday..
Here is Bob taking care of those nasty bugs on the squash plant .. Or as we call it "Audrey Two"
Btw the CD hanging from the tree scares of the birds...ohhhhhh spooky shiny thing

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Location:Flying over Colorado

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The first BLT night

And of course like the weinie I am I didn't take a picture..but I did take a picture of the care package I am sending home with Darren's Mom and Dad tomorrow

Oh and here is a shot of what Bob and I call Audrey 2- the out of control squash plant

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OK let's give the I pad a shot at writing my Blog

I was so lucky I got this last year.. My I Pad . it is great for traveling and hopefully for Blogging . Being more of an Molly than an Arthur Weasley I am not a fan of Muggle technology but I really do love this.. So cool.
I am sure some of my friends think I am nuts but I find comfort in my fascination with the world of Harry Potter and it truly has changed my life. Besides the gardening if it was not for HP I would not have found STARKID or some of my nearest and dearest friends in the HP community. I love them and truly enjoy our mutual interest. At my age it is so much fun to be silly.. You know dressing up- buying collectibles etc.
Well thanks for reading and it is time to go back to the garden and a new picture !
My beautiful fountain and pepper plants

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Finally a harvest

Not a big one but the folks at the office were happy.. The sun is out and I have some red tomatoes!!

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sooooo busy

I feel like a bad Hufflepuff -have not been here in days . Things in my Muggle life has been nuts., but a good nuts. A bunch of great
StarKid stuff. I have also been very good about my zumba walking- the neighborhood thinks I am nuts. But I saw something so great - this family near me tore out thier front yard

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Friday, June 17, 2011

I am seeing Red

Well kind of... God Damn the lack of sun.. Yes here in Southern California there has been no f'ing sun til the late afternoon. Ahh our favorite June Gloom.. You got that right Dude... Hate that Gloom
I am sure you think our little red tomatoes are Patty- thetic ?? Well it is
And 1 bastard heirloom

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Truly I suck here is the picture of the green maters

Should have been a Ravenclaw- would be a hell of alot smarter. Well I was bemoaning my fate about my tomatoes not turning green.. My very smart Griffyndor husband brought to my attentin we have had no sun in the am and that must be it
it SUCKS !!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lost a post

Ahhhh crap- I posted a really cute one about peas and corn--will have to add the photos off of my i phone

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Great day to Garden

The weather today is overcast but warm.. Spent hours out trimming, weeding and picked 2 great cukes and lots of herbs for my hairdresser Natasha . I was having a grand time until my son
The Gryffindor with a dose of Slythern thrown in - texted me this !!!! His tomatoes are ripe already !!! And he lives Palm Springs - not fair.

-And mine are still all green
But boy are there alot of them!

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Friday, June 10, 2011


You have to just love a fresh cucumber and mayonnaise sandwich in toasted French bread

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Green Day at the office

Sick yesterday but had to harvest herbs and cucumbers for the office this am.. Made me feel a little better

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Old Hufflepuff

And her Sage-Advice!

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OK so this morning I was out in the garden bright and early getting rid of those horrible dead leaves on my tomato plants.. you know those dry crapy yellow ones??..anywhoody I clipped off a whole stem of yellow stripe ( a cool looking and yummy hierloom )babies-SHIT !! well I will put them to good use. I have kept the brine from my favorite martini garnish "Tomolives" and dropped them right in. If you have never had a Tomolive you have to try one and then 10 !. Pickeled baby tomatoes in a nummy brine- nothing olive about them other than how they look. I harvested a couple of good sized cucumbers and some radishs for my lunch salad.. Speaking of radish's mine look like Mandrakes !!!
Another case of time to pickle my veges !!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Hello my favorite Muggles,

   Well we had our first "garden parties" of the summer last weekend. Fresh garden veges for the salad I must admit I was quite the Braggy Von McBraggerson..especially when I was picking it all right in front of our guests !!

I am having a problem with my butternut squash plant- It is taking over the garden and looks like Audrey 2.
I think there will be alot of actors who will get sick of thier agent's veges this summer- everything is getting crazy - even the twins- topsy and turvey

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


OK like I said before I am a swell gardener but sucky at computers. But here is a photo of my amazing climbing beans-- so much more to show- It only took me 2 GD hours how to figure this out
Pat the Hufflepuff

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


God Love Amanda you beautiful Griffyndor !!! You started it !!!!!!!

Ode To A Hufflepuff

Ok all my fellow Hufflepuffs and favorite muggles. this is it. I have started a blog and hopefully tomorrow you will see photos of my wonderful garden. A little backstory. Up to about 7 years ago everything I ever planted died a horrible death.. then ( OK here is where it becomes very queer) I was sorted into the Hufflepuff house at my first Harry Potter Convention. Well I really got into being a Hufflepuff and one of the important parts was gardening. Well the rest is history - I am a great Hufflepuff and a kick ass gardener. You will soo see for yourself... I just really suck at computer shit so if I mess up that is why