Saturday, June 11, 2011

Great day to Garden

The weather today is overcast but warm.. Spent hours out trimming, weeding and picked 2 great cukes and lots of herbs for my hairdresser Natasha . I was having a grand time until my son
The Gryffindor with a dose of Slythern thrown in - texted me this !!!! His tomatoes are ripe already !!! And he lives Palm Springs - not fair.

-And mine are still all green
But boy are there alot of them!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. When they ripen they are going to be beautiful!! :) We just got some amazing tomatoes from the farmers market here. My favorite snack is some thinly sliced buffalo mozzarella and ripe cherry tomatoes drizzled with grapeseed oil, pepper & rosemary. YUM!
